Alexander Technique Teacher
01983 568617

Look at my facebook page for regular hints and tips about the Alexander Technique

I feel calmer, more confident and much more in control of my life. I deal with stress more easily and don't load myself up with stress without knowing it.

••••• Richard Spencer, RPS Ltd

Normal response to a difficult situation is to avoid it or stay and 'try harder'. This fight or flight conflict leads to what we call being stressed and if it persists can lead to serious problems.

Stress is sometimes defined as demands exceeding our abilities to cope and we feel we have no control. You might experience aches in the shoulders, headaches, a stiff back and mutter 'I can't cope'.

If demands are not resolved and we ignore the symptoms our body is sending, it ups the level of pain until we do pay attention. This can be tiredness, backache, unexplained pains, voice problems, low-level infections, anxiety, irritability, panic attacks, depression, strokes and even heart attacks. One theory is that all illness is due to stress.

Fortunately there is a way out.

Learning to respond differently to challenges by taking a mental step back and reviewing options puts us back in control. We do not have to continue in the same damaging ways.

Sounds easy but trying to change deeply held habitual patterns is very difficult. Luckily over a hundred years ago an amazing process was developed to help change habitual patterns - the Alexander Technique.

This Alexander Technique is somewhere between the physical and talking therapies. It has been described as the operating instructions for ourselves and is used by all sorts of people to improve personal performance. If nothing else has worked for you then try the Technique for a different approach.

After many years of teaching the Alexander Technique in the Manchester area, I have now relocated to the Isle of Wight. I give individual lessons in Ryde and at the Island Therapy Centre in Lake (half way between Shanklin and Sandown). I also present talks, introductory workshops, and give company training.

Get in touch now and discuss your needs!

Alexander Technique Teacher
01983 568617